Saturday 30 April 2016

Standing up for nature

During the Scottish Parliament's Election Campaign, I have received numerous emails from people highlighting their concern for nature conservation and the environment. They ask for endorsement of a campaign for nature led by a red squirrel named Bob.

I have given by backing to Bob and support his calls for a Food and Farming and Health Bill; the creation of an Environmental Court; for all children to have access to nature and the outdoors; and to ensure Scotland's ongoing commitment to nature. I am supporting the need for the next Scottish Government to ensure that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 42% by the year 2020 via the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. Also, we need to protect and restore biodiversity on land and at seas and to support healthier ecosystems via the 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity Strategy, and enforce penalties for wildlife crime.

Useful links: 

Scottish Green Party's Manifesto 2016: Scotland Can Be An Environmental Leader -

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