Saturday 8 September 2012

Cleaning up our backcourts

This week, I have met with a number of residents who are very upset with the poor state of the backcourts and bin areas in their neighbourhood. 

Yesterday, I made a visit to Napiershall Lane to see the problems for myself. It was shocking to find that some tenement closes do not have any bins and there are backcourts packed with bulk items which should have been taken away for recycling or disposal.

Backcourt without any bins for refuse so rubbish bags are left on the ground.

Collection of dumped bulk items in a backcourt area under a pub on Great Western Road.

In the next week, I will be making further visits to backcourts in this area to ensure that any problems are identified. I will be seeking assistance from Environmental Health and Cleansing Staff to get these backcourts cleared of refuse and provided with bins.

This situation highlights that the bulk uplift service is not working effectively. This may be due to tenants or residents are not getting in touch with council services to ensure they have bins or arrange furnishings no longer in use to be uplifted. Landlords and factors could be doing more to maintain these backcourts.

I am very concerned as serious fire hazards exist from refuse bags and bulk items being left in backcourts.

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