On 24th January, I gave my support to student calls for Divestment from Arms Companies by University of Glasgow. I attended a rally in support of an occupation at 11 University Gardens by students from Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil Fuels (GAAF).
Rally to support the occupation at 11 University Gardens.
This occupation is calling for the University of Glasgow to fully divest from arms and fossil fuels. Also, it seeks the implementation of an accessible, mandatory and empowering climate course. Finally, there is a demand for an ethical careers policy which would ban oil, gas, coal, mining and arms companies from recruiting at the University of Glasgow.
Notice of GAAF occupation at 11 University Gardens.
Members and supporters of GAAF gathered at main buildings of the University
I will continue to give support for the occupation and its calls for full divest from arms and fossil fuels by the senior management of the University of Glasgow.