Sunday 22 June 2014

Air quality monitoring on Great Western Road

Whilst walking along the pavement of Great Western Road, I noticed a green cabinet being installed at the junction of Cromwell Street and Great Western Road.

Staff at Land and Environmental Services have confirmed that the cabinet highlighted is an air quality monitoring station for NO2. The station will form part of the UK Automatic Urban Network of monitoring stations and the data will be available on both the Scottish Air Quality website and the UK-air website. The installation of this new air quality monitoring station will provide data to assist in identifying high levels of air pollution within the area. This does not provide a solution to the problem but provides useful information.

This week, research published by Reuters detailed the impact of particulates from vehicle exhaust on older people's health. Co-author of the report, Jennifer Ailshire indicates that “The emerging evidence showing a link between air pollution and cognitive function suggests air pollution may harm the brain as well as the heart and lungs." 

It appears that there is an urgent need for partnership working between all levels of government and the NHS to develop a programme of activity to reduce the traffic on main streets, such as the Great Western Road, to protect the health of an ageing population.

Useful link:

Scottish Air Quality website

Air pollution linked to cognitive decline in later years -

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