All councillors gathered in the City Chambers today to discuss the council's budget for 2012-13. I made a speech in support of a Green Budget Amendment. Living
in a period of financial uncertainty and harsh economic realities, we
are well aware of the worsening poverty and widening gap between the rich
and poor. The
Council has to agree a budget to ensure that the Glasgow becomes more resilient
and able to respond to the global economic and environmental pressures we face.
Green Councillors have not accepted the Labour Administration's proposal for a review of employee terms and conditions, and changes to Early Years Provision. We are very concerned that these changes will be made to the detriment of council staff.
It is our belief that the investment we are making in our budget amendment
will help create new opportunities, address our financial challenges,
reduce our
carbon footprint, and combat climate change.
direct investment is in additional blue bin collections. This
will provide weekly uplifts from tenements and houses across the
city. Our plans also include increasing the number of on-street
recycling bins and support expansion of the recycling services to
businesses who are currently on a waiting list. Maintaining
the current level of services is not going to get us closer to
reducing the Council’s landfill tax burden and avoiding landfill
allowance penalties. The Council has to dramatically boost the amount
of plastic, paper, and cans recycled so it is on course to recycle
50% in 2013 and 70% in 2025. Our plans will help make substantial
progress in increasing recycling by everyone.
Blue bins overflowing at a Dowanhill Backcourt
We have plans to save energy and carbon emissions by implementing an Intelligent Street Lighting System to control the street lights in non-city centre streets. This allows the council to dim some street lights between 1am - 5am. The system has fully adjustable settings, this allows the Council to change and have alternative settings for different days of the week, take account of British Summertime, or set to stay on longer e.g. for events or at Christmas and New Year. It is currently being rolled out in Suffolk County Council and we believe it can be adapted to improve energy efficiency in Glasgow.
We want to ensure that there is funding in place to increase the number of allotment plots available. By creating new, extended, or refurbished allotment and growing projects, the Council is meeting the demand from residents who want to grown their own food. We are supporting the promotion of the health and wellbeing of our citizens, giving them increased access to a healthier lifestyle, healthier eating and improved quality of life.
Whilst our budget amendment was not passed at the meeting, we hope that some of our ideas will come to fruition.
Please note that the Green Budget amendment was superceded by Combined Budget Amendment produced by Opposition Parties. I took part in the negotiations on behalf of the Green Councillors and ensured that the Greens budget options were incorporated. This was defeated by the Labour Administration's budget.
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