Saturday 23 May 2015

Supporting local businesses in Hyndland

In the last few weeks, Glasgow City Council has consulted on a Traffic Regulation Order for the the Hyndland Road / Novar Drive Loading Restriction. The proposal is to introduce:-

  •  No Waiting, Monday to Saturday, 7:00am to 8:30pm; No Loading, Monday to Saturday, 7:00am to 8:30pm except goods vehicles; on west side of Hyndland Road, north of Novar Drive.
  •  Designated parking space for use by blue badge holders only on the east side of Hyndland Road north of Kingsborough Gardens.

I am submitting an objection to the above proposal for the following reasons:-

a)    Negative impact of the Loading Bay on existing small businesses

The proposed "Loading Bay" at the Little Hyndland Shops would occupy an unacceptable area of the available parking space for seven existing retail units.  This parking space is already being diminished by the adjacent Pedestrian Crossing.  The proposal would have a negative impact on the turnover of customers to existing businesses. It would lead to drop in customers to existing businesses as their loyal customer base are less able to find a parking space and also, passing trade will not be able to stop due to lack of packing facilities.  The proposal cannot be justified on the basis that it will have a damaging impact on the turnover of existing small businesses operating within the Hyndland area.

b)    Lack of supermarket development at 8, Novar Drive

The specific requirement for this Loading Bay is to provide loading facility for a Supermarket at 8 Novar Drive, which was granted Planning Permission in September 2014. The granting of this Loading Bay is required as a "Condition of Consent”. It should be recognised that if this Loading Bay TRO be agreed, it should only be implemented if and when plans for the construction of the supermarket on the site at 8 Novar Drive are implemented. There is no necessity for the Loading Bay to be installed if the 8 Novar Drive Supermarket never comes to pass.  This is actually a very likely scenario.

There is a lack of evidence of local demand for this additional 454 sq.m. of Retail Space at 8 Novar Drive. This plan could create a retail space of 374 sq.m. plus another 80 sq.m. if the Class 2 space was also converted to Retail. This exceeds that of all 7 existing “Little Hyndland” shops on Hyndland Road. Please note the details of the Planning Consent Reference Number 13/00709/DC, 8 Novar Drive, granted in September 2014:

"The completion of a satisfactory Agreement in terms of Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 is a pre-requisite to the issue of planning permission by the Planning Authority.

01. Prior to implementation of this permission, the applicant should contact Development and Regeneration Services (Transport) at an early stage in respect of legislation administered by that Service which is likely to have implications for this development.    02. The applicant should liaise with Scott Downie of LES (Contact 0141 287 9351) to amend the TRO if required. LES will promote the Order (with timescales up to 12 months) with costs associated with amending/promoting the Order recharged to the applicant.

Servicing of the premises shall be restricted to the following days and hours: Monday to Saturday only, 7:00 am until 8.30 pm. For the avoidance of doubt no deliveries shall be allowed on a Sunday. Reason:  To protect local residents from exposure to noise at unsocial hours.

The consent will be conditioned to mitigate noise and disturbance to residents, and the deliveries will be managed through a goods vehicle loading restriction, which will be part of the new Traffic Regulation Order which LES are pursuing separately. The
loading restriction which is planned is considered an appropriate mitigation measure to preserve the amenity of the surrounding residential area.

 The consent is conditioned to ensure that the applicant will enter into a Section 75 Agreement with Glasgow City Council to address the transportation issues. The Section 75 will be the subject of a Traffic Regulation Order to ensure the use cannot commence until the T.R.O. is confirmed and the service bay provided."

c)    Road Safety Issues
The proposal is located in close proximity to a pedestrian crossing, raising concerns about the safety of pedestrians. Large lorries and vans at the loading bay would obscure sight lines to the road and pavement. There are a high number of elderly residents in this area and large numbers of children attending schools in Hyndland, Cleveden and Dowanhill many of whom rely on this pedestrian crossing. There is an increase in the risk of accidents or injury associated with lorries' use of the loading bay.

d)    Negative impact on the residential amenity

The site is located within a residential area with a high density population which would experience disturbance from deliveries, potentially outwith normal working hours. The proposal will increase lorry traffic, and deliveries which will cause an unacceptable levels of noise within a quiet residential area.

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